

Chest of drawers

Showing all 12 results

  • Grandeur 5 Drawer Tallboy painted whiteANTIQUE 5 DRAWER TALLBOY WITH DIMENSIONS

    Grandeur 5 Drawer Tallboy Painted White

    R5 650

  • Grandeur 3 drawer chest WhiteANTIQUE 3 DRAWER CHEST WITH DIMENSIONS

    Grandeur 3 Drawer Chest Painted White

    R5 650

  • Grandeur 5 drawer Tallboy Painted BordeauxANTIQUE 5 DRAWER TALLBOY WITH DIMENSIONS

    Grandeur 5 Drawer Tallboy Painted Bordeaux

    R5 650

  • Grandeur 3 drawer chest BordeauxANTIQUE 3 DRAWER CHEST WITH DIMENSIONS

    Grandeur 3 Drawer Chest Painted Bordeaux

    R5 650

  • antique design tallboy chestANTIQUE 5 DRAWER TALLBOY WITH DIMENSIONS
    YITH Badge

    Grandeur 5 Drawer Tallboy Wood Veneer White (wood knobs)

    R7 770R4 850

  • mod chest 4 drawer whiteMOD 4 DRAWER CHEST WITH DIMENSIONS
    YITH Badge

    Mod Chest 4 Drawer Wood Veneer White

    R6 260R3 995

  • Amelia 5 drawer chest bonded white 3AMELIA 5 DRAWER CHEST



    Amelia Chest 5 Drawer Bonded PU White – DEMO/SHOP SOILED

    R3 385R1 995

  • Bud chest 2 x 3 drawers mahogany



    Pine chest of drawers 2×3 – Mahogany

    R3 550R1 995

  • Bud chest 4 drawers white



    Pine chest 4 drawer – White

    R2 750R1 800

  • Bud chest 4 drawers mahogany



    Pine chest 4 drawer – Mahogany

    R2 700R1 800

  • Bud chest 4 drawers oregon



    Pine chest 4 drawer – Oregon

    R2 575R1 750

  • Bud chest 2 x 2 drawers oregon



    Pine chest of drawers 2×2 – Oregon

    R2 370R1 700